
Refinance your home loan
and secure a low interest rate that's worth celebrating for

Let's review your home loan
Chat with a refinancing expert today

What's involved in a refinance?

In the simplest terms, refinancing your home loan means that you replace your current mortgage with a new one.
This is typically for a better rate, additional flexibility or you’re just not happy with your current lender.  

We start with conducting a health review on your current mortgage,  compare your home loan with over sixty lenders
to get you the best deal and then we take care of the whole switching process from start to finish. 

Best of all, as we get paid a commission by the lender, the service is at no cost to you.


from 5.43%


from 5.89%


from 7%


from 8%

Why you should use a Mortgage Broker
for your refinance over approaching a bank direct

Your freedom of choice

Going straight to a bank means you're backed into a corner and must take what the bank is offering you. Instead, we'll compare your options with over sixty financial institutions to ensure you're getting the most suitable deal and that your home loan won't be declined

Someone by your side

Bank employees earn a guaranteed salary while mortgage brokers don't get paid unless your home loan gets approved. Once your home loan is approved direct through a bank, the transaction usually stops there. Mortgage brokers aim to create long term relationships ensuring your finances are always in order

We save you time

Imagine approaching multiple banks direct and filling out countless application forms to only have your home loan declined? With many years experience, we know which banks are more likely to approve our home loan based on your individual circumstances, lifestyle and financial position

We compare your home loan with
over sixty of our financial institution partners

A simple loan health check request with us ensures your home loan is market competitive.
Our motive is to get you the best deal on the market. After all, no one likes being taken advantage of.

Don't forget, refinancing has great perks

Consolidate Debt

If you have multiple loans such as a car, personal or credit card, you can add them onto your mortgage. That means one account, one repayment and one low interest rate

You save money

A lower interest rate with a new bank means more money in your pocket. Look at servicing your home loan the same as servicing a vehicle, if you avoid it, you risk costing yourself thousands of dollars

Access your equity

It could be a holiday your planning, much needed renovations or even to invest in property, we can top up your home loan while we switch



From the moment a client contacts Highline, systems and processes are in place utilizing the latest technology to ensure our clients enjoys the ultimate seamless finance experience, ensuring we are constantly one step ahead of our competition. We are a young, high-energy team and exist to become your life long finance partner. We’re here to take care of all your loan requirements throughout your journey of life – all while creating meaningful relationships and having a laugh along the way. You’re never alone when you need a loan, we look forward to working together, growing together and achieving all your financial goals.

When you need a loan, you're not alone

As mortgage brokers, we bring the banks to you. Using Highline Lending for your home loan is like going to multiple banks, in one appointment.

We take the time and hassle out of shopping around for the right home loan, provide expert advice and take care of the entire process, from start to finish.

Home Loan Reviews

Our free home loan health reviews will compare your home loan with thousands of products ensuring you're getting the best deal and keeping costs down

Digital Meetings

You can deal with us remotely, we have the capacity and resources to conduct your home loan meeting remotely or whatever works for you

Friendly Advice

We understand finance can be overwhelming, and at troubling times, tough. We're here to reach a hand out and guide you to a solution at no cost

We go above and beyond for our clients, hear it for yourself

So, why use Highline Lending for your refinance

We meet for a consultation, obtain your supporting documents and proceed to structure and package your application for approval knowing exactly what the banks want to see. We also monitor your home loan post approval ensuring you’re home loan suits you and your financial position

We get paid a commission from our lenders as a result of introducing your business to them. Subsequently, our service is at no cost to you. Our commission does not affect your interest rate whatsoever, if anything, we’re in a position to get you a lower interest rate than the general public due to our relationships with our banks

With our many years experience in the industry, we’ve been exposed to both easy and complex loan scenarios. Each loan we process gets presented to over sixty financial institutions, ensuring we have explored all options possible and are able to provide a solution

The best interest rates just aren't good enough

