
4 CRUCIAL Tips to Consider When Looking for a Mortgage Broker

Need a Mortgage Broker ? We have you covered, this is what you need to consider in 4 quick tips! 

Getting a mortgage is not an easy process. The entire journey of shopping for the best lender, complying with all the requirements, negotiating, and closing the deal can be tricky to accomplish by yourself.

Because of this, hiring the service of a mortgage broker can help you secure a loan that best suits your needs and perform all the legwork. In return, a broker is paid in commissions by the financial institution that lends you money.

That said, it all starts with looking for the right mortgage broker. Here are four tips to help you find the best broker for your mortgage hunt. Need to know WHY you should use a mortgage broker ? See our guide here.

Do your homework

When it comes to looking for a broker, preparation is the key. This means that you have to do your homework before hunting. Look for potential loans online and get a clear idea of the type of loan you want. Assess your home and mortgage needs and align them with what type of broker you’re looking for. Prepare a list of questions to ask from prospects and seek various recommendations from them. Being prepared can put you on the right track in choosing the right candidate.

Understand how a mortgage broker gets paid

It’s important to know how a mortgage broker gets paid. Doing so will help you be confident in hiring the service of a mortgage broker. Typically, most brokers get paid commissions directly from the banks for arranging their loans. There are two types of commission: upfront and trail commission. The first is a percentage of the total value of the loan paid upfront, while the latter is a percentage of the mortgage that brokers will receive over the life of the loan.

Check the experiences and assess the qualifications

The next thing to do is to check the experiences and evaluate the qualifications of your prospects. First, make sure that the broker is authorized to provide you with a loan, where they should have their Australian Credit License. Second, check their background by asking their educational attainment and broker certifications. Lastly, check out the broker’s extensive experiences in handling mortgages for various clients. Qualified brokers are usually members of the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (a professional association for brokers). Some will have a diploma while others have a degree in finance, economics, or accounting.

Ask the broker’s lender panel and ownership structure

Make sure to ask the broker for their lender panel and ownership structure. First, brokers are restricted by the list of banks they can access known as “lender panel.” A good broker will have a wide range of lenders on their panel. Second, make sure to ask your broker who is their aggregator Chances are, the broker is assisted by an aggregator. Good brokers won’t easily be influenced by their ownership structure and will recommend wide loan options from across the market.

A broker can be a great help in obtaining a mortgage and doing a lot of the legwork. As mentioned above, be prepared to shop around for a broker and look for one with experience beyond the minimum qualifications required to practice. Consider the broker’s lender panel and ownership structure. All these will help you choose the right mortgage broker.

If you’re looking for a mortgage broker in Australia, get in touch with Highline Lending to see how we can help! We have many years of experience in helping our clients find an appropriate loan for their needs, and we would be more than happy to guide you through the process. Contact us on on 02 9121 6247 or submit your scenario online.  


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We meet for a consultation, obtain your supporting documents and proceed to structure and package your application for approval knowing exactly what the banks want to see. We also monitor your home loan post approval ensuring you’re home loan suits you and your financial position

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